Feeling worried! Help!!

So im right at 6 weeks pregnant and yesterday was super stressful my husband got in a accident and was hurt and so I spent most of the afternoon and evening by his side in the ER and then we had a long miserable night with not much sleep due to him being in pain I have also been very upset and weepy I cried alot yesterday and felt more stressed then I have ever been in a long time I had some mild cramps but nothing super serious or painful and I had a little bit of brown discharge and spotted once super light pink and then again this after noon if called my doctors office and they wanted to do a hcg blood test today and Sunday I'm just so worried that being so upset and stressed out yesterday might have cause some sort of problem I'm terrified of this turning into a miscarriage I'm just hoping it was my bodies way of telling me to just relax momma but im just wandering if anyone has ever experienced the same thing after being stressed...