Introduce yourselves!

Annie • Mama Bear to Theo

Drop a pic of yourself and where you're from, something funny that happened to or unique about you, and your favorite way to toke it up!!

My name is Annie. I'm from.. Um Utah 🙃 One winter day my friends decided to go sledding and stay warm by bringing some liquor. The hill we go to is shaped like a bowl and has a hill on both sides. We hopped out of the vehicle and raced towards the top. I was one of the first to reach the top when I tripped over my own damn feet and landed on my huge inflatable sled! I start sliding back down the hill! Which mind you leads to a road.. Yeah dumb. Anyway, my friend sees me and stands in my path to help slow me down. Whoop!! I take him out and he partially lands on the tube and I'm dragging him. 😂 Friend #2 Coming up. Whoop!! Down she goooooes! Now I'm dragging them both and we're getting to the bottom of hill. Holy shit, we gonna get run over!! AHH 😂 Luckily all the extra weight was able to slow me down. I was laughing so hard I was crying so ya know how ugly that can be. My friends covered in frost Hahaha good times!!

My favorite way to toke it up right now is daaab. So quick and smooth 👌

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