is $200 enough for first year of baby clothes?

I plan on doing laundry twice a week because I'll be cloth diapering.
I plan on getting 2 of those plain white onsie packs in each size, some colorful leggings (different patterns) in each size, and a handful of cardigan/sweaters/jackets in whatever sizes I would need depending on the season it is for whatever size.
8 onsies (x4 sizes, 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 12) at $60
6 leggings (x4 sizes 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 12) at $80
And maybe about $60 for sweaters/jackets.
Of course there will be accessories, and the occasional awww purchase. But I feel there's a lot of wiggle room there, since I NEVER buy new clothes... so most of this will be bought in our baby consignment store that's next to the consignment store I shop at.
I'm really minimalistic with clothes (I own less than 20 hangers worth with 2 Rubbermaid worth of tshirts and understuffs), so it's not like I'm cheaping out on baby's needs for clothes, because it's just how my husband and I are with clothes.
EDIT: the $200 is if I'm forced to buy brand new. If I get everything I need second hand, hand me down, consignment, and Craigslist I'm hoping to keep all clothes between 50-100 for the whole first year. Plus we have very gifting families, so I'm thinking we may even not spend hardly that much. $200 is what I would think my MAX would be.