my labor story (also tmi)

I know many women don't really talk about their labor after it happens but I figured I would tell you all about my experience from beginning to end. I was 35 weeks.
On January 1st I started to have contractions after having intercourse with my husband who has been deployed for 7 months. We went into the hospital, and they said I was dilated one centimeter, and sent me home. We also asked before we left if it was okay to continue making love, and the doctor said it was fine.
On January 2nd we had intercourse again. Afterwards I looked down at the paper towel I was using to wipe, and I noticed my mucous plug fell out. I started to have some contractions, so I contacted my doctor to make sure I shouldn't come in. She said not to unless I'm bleeding or my water breaks. Not even 30 minutes after I talked to her my water broke. We were on our way to the hospital when my contractions started hitting again, and they were a lot more painful this time. I checked into the hospital at 7ish, and had very bad contractions for half an hour when I asked for the epidural. I got the epidural around 930. At that time I was 3 almost 4 centimeters. 
After the epidural I felt nothing from the waist down. It was the most amazing feeling in the world haha 
The doctor told my husband and I that epidurals usually slow down labor. So my husband and I decided for him to get something to eat, and go back home to get a change of clothes. My husband left, and an hour later I started to feel a pressure feeling. I told the nurse and she checked me. 
My sons head was literally about to fall out of my vaginia. I was 10cm already! I called my husband, and told him he needed to hurry back or he might miss seeing his son being born. My husband got there at 11, and at 1125 I was told to push. (Again epidural made me feel nothing down there so the doctor had to make me push) and at 1135 our son was born. Eric Alexander was born at 1135pm weighing in at 4 pounds 7 ounces and 18 inches. 
Now the after part. They took him to weigh him, and make sure everything was fine. The doctor had to fix me because I did tier but only a little bit they said. So I got two stitches, and my son was given to me. He layed on my chest for an hour before they took him away again. I will tell you this his cry was the most beautiful and musical thing I ever heard. I honestly didn't want him to stop crying haha. They took him away to be cleaned, and tested to make sure everything was okay since he was born 5 weeks early. He was and is still extremely small 😭😭 the epidural finally ran its course, and the pain started to set in. It's not all that bad of pain I will tell you. Not as bad as the contractions. I'm just extremely sore, my back feels like I excerised for way to long without stretching, and it hurts to sit because my vaginia is sore. I have been bleeding a lot but they said it's completely normal. I have cramps too so it just feels like I'm on my period all over again. The cramps do hurt because they said my uterus is strinking back to its normal size, and that the cramps are a good sign my uterus is doing exactly that. The first pee and the first poop was NOT as bad as everyone said it was going to be. They gave me a squirt bottle full of warm water to use my first time, and they also gave me a laxative for when I go poop. Neither was painful. 
Ummm let's see what else. Oh I've only gotten about 5 hours of sleep in the past three days because we had one scare where our son started to choke on his own spit up. He's fine but let's just say it was extremely scary, and now everytime he gurgles I'm awake. 
It has been a bit difficult to breast feed especially when he won't latch on all the time. It also is extremely hard to sleep when I have to wake up every two to three hours to feed him so that's another reason why I've only slept 5 hours. Also my nipples are slowly starting to hurt 😭
But other then that everything is perfect. For being born 5 weeks early he is extremely healthy and strong baby boy. I can't wait to take him home with us. We were supposed to today but the doctor wants us to wait till tomorrow..  hopefully we will be able to tomorrow! 
Labor is not as bad as it sounds. When I pushed I didn't feel a dang thing because of the epidural so that isn't bad either. 
It may have been a bit difficult the last 3 days but I honestly wouldn't change it for the world! 
Also to all those trolls who like to download pictures that aren't yours from this website. Just know that it's just a picture, and I have the real thing! 
Okay that's the end of that. Good luck to everyone whose trying to get pregnant, is pregnant, or is currently going to be in labor soon or already is. God bless everyone! 💕💙❤️💋