My story ,

I'm 21 with a one year old that was from a nether previous relationship , delivered September 19th 2015 , I met my fiance when i was 2 months pregnant with him , we've been on an off the past year an 8 months , every couple goes threw a phase they struggle , Back in April we found out we were expecting a nether member to our family , My fiancé an I were separated at the time when i found out , of course we got back together for our children . First ultrasound came around an so on , with the 6 or 7th they told us some very hard tragic news our son will be born with a condition called Hypoplastic left syndrome , The meaning for this is that he was formed with out his left side of the heart , When he will be born he will need 3 major surgery's 1st a week or 2 after he is born , only 25% chance he will live ... It's the hardest thing I've faced in my life knowing ill have to go threw something so drastic at 21 , i carry my self like i can hold my self an be strong for my Son an fiance , But inside I'm dying , gonna have to spend weeks at the hospital side looking at this innocent newborn , I cry my self to sleep most nights , i feel like I'm drowning , Because my fiance coops with it differently then i do , where do i turn to , where can i go , why me , why is the question i adk my self every day ..