Am I being too hard on him?

This might be long and I'm sorry for that but I really just need to vent😖 I've been with my boyfriend for over a year and we are currently engaged. He smoked before we got together.. My grandmother, dad, step mom, mom, and step dad all smoke so I've been around it my whole life but I've never bothered to pick up a cigarette except for maybe 2 or 3 times but never smoked the whole thing. Recently my grandmothers health has gone extremely down hill. She has 11% of her lungs left plus other health issues and the dr said that she can't have a lung transplant because he doesn't think she would even make it through the surgery. My grandmother has been the only one who has stuck by me through anything and everything. Even when my parents didn't... I've talked to him about how much this effects me and how I would like for him to quit smoking because I don't want to have to go through this with him when we're older. He agreed to quit smoking and promised to quit once he finished the pack of cigarettes he was smoking at the time. Which was MONTHS ago! And tonight I found an empty pack of cigarettes plus a half full pack on top of the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. I usually don't look up there but I was trying to find something so I climbed up to look and that's when I saw them... He promised that the money he was going to save from not buying cigarettes was going to pay for our wedding. He hasn't saved ANYTHING!! And wonders why I'm so upset right now. We had a huge screaming match and he decided to turn it around and put the blame on me because "I don't know what it's like to smoke for years and then quit" but he never quit! I don't know what to think! Am I really being that hard on him or is it just him getting into my head?!😭