mom rant #467

I love my mom and I'm really grateful for her, but sometimes I get so fed up with her. She's constantly trying to start a fight with me and prove me wrong. We argue over the dumbest shit. (Probably because she's about to go through menopause) Tonight, I asked her if she could open my birth control up for me and get the pill out because I had just polished my nails. She said yeah and she noticed that my period is about to start later this week. I said "yeah, not looking forward to that." No detail about it or anything. Then she starts going into detail about her periods and I said "mom, I don't want to hear about that." She has a big oversharing problem. I know that we're both women and both have periods, but once she starts going into detail about how it smells, I start to get grossed out! Well, she got really mad at me for saying that. She said "we're close. We talk about those kinds of things!" We are close, but usually, it's her going into massive detail, not me. If I go into detail about my period, it's to make sure that I'm not dying or to tell her that I feel like I'm going to faint. I've talked to her about her oversharing problem before, but she just gets mad. Anyway, rant over. Going to bed.