Boyfriend's ex told everyone on Facebook about my pregnancy


So my boyfriend had to tell his ex about my pregnancy. He only had to tell her because they have a 3 year old daughter. And she went crazy and told the whole of Facebook. Her friends said horrible things like calling my boyfriend a drop kick and dead beat dad when he is a great dad and someone even said fuck him and fuck his new kid! And I was so pissed off because it was before the 12 week mark and she told everyone and I then misscarried! And she told my exes mum straight away and she's over the moon about it and now I don't know how to tell her I miscarried. I am so pissed off. And she has the guts to message me saying she's sorry for what she put on Facebook! Yet she didn't take it down! My boyfriend and I both know she isn't sorry and that it wasn't sincere. She is a horrible person and does it for attention and everyone knows she wants him back and he wants nothing to do with her. He just wants to see his kid which she makes almost impossible then calls him a dead beat and says he never sees his daughter.

Anyone else have problems with their partner's ex/exes because of their jealousy?

Sorry about the long rant. I'm just hurting from losing our baby and mad at this selfish person.