car accident this morning, couldn't find baby's heart beat, the stress has been unreal today 😰😰

So Normally I walk to school, but today I drove as I need to do the food shop after. 
On my journey to the shop in the pouring ran on a 40mph road, I was going about 30 due to the rain... the lights went red and I stopped. Sat there for about 15seconds then BANGG my car gets shoved forward.
I was in shock instantly at what the hell happened. At first I thought I stalled by realised that don't happen with that sorta force. 
Got out my car and this women's car is still attached to mine. I looked at the women who is still sat in her car and hasn't even acknowledged that she's hit me till I start shouting my head off. She pops her car in reverse and goes backwards nearly crashing into the car behind her. Eventually she gets out and just stands there. I'm going off my rocker saying wtf you doing? Hello anyone there?! Complete oblivious as to what as happened. I started getting pains in my tummy (14weeks pregnant) so I thought I need to calm down. The women wouldn't talk to me when I ask for her details so had to take a photo of her car red and was on my way before I nearly threw her on the bonnet. She looked drunk or high on medication. Like the lights were on but no one was home! 
Anyways I got home to relax and my shoulder and neck was stiffing which is a shock as I thought whiplash didn't come on for 24hrs or so but I was thrown at some force. I then the adrenaline went and I started getting some serious pains in my tummy. So I went to the doctors after 10minutes the doctor couldn't find baby's heart beat, asking me questions such as have you bled, how bad is the cramping etc. Panicking, she's asked me to do it a urine test (probably to test if I'm pregnant maybe?) then decided actually she's guna try one more time to find baby's heart beat, I couldn't look at her, kept smiling at my toddler who was at the bedside poking my face, talking to him to take my mind of it.... What felt like a life time... Baby's strong fast heart beat came through, I had a tear of relief and I think the dr might of too.  The pain I have is that I've badly damaged my ribs and muscles inside :( BUT WHO CARES, My baby & my son are safe! So lucky my eldest went in the car 😥 Â