My mother doesnt approve.

I have been with my guy for 2 months now, and it's one of those things that from the very beginning, we had those instant fireworks. we both want the same things, we agree on everything, but we still have that healthy separation that allows us to breathe. we are a few years apart, i'm 19, he's 25. My mom doesn't approve of our relationship and doesn't want me ending up with him because he doesn't make enough money to support my lifestyle that i've had. but what she doesn't understand is a) i don't need a lavish life, i want to spend my life with the man i love regardless of income. struggle or no struggle, ill be with the man who i want to be with forever. b) it's not like we are engaged right now. but it really hurts me to see her nixing someone out of my life because of money. she says herself "Sam, i think he's really great, and i'm so happy he treats you with respect and makes you feel appreciated. but i can't support the relationship knowing that you two will barely pay the bills!" which isn't true, together we would make a comfortable household income. my last boyfriend was emotionally abusive and made a few dollars more an hour than my current boyfriend, and i'm pretty sure she was happier with him. 
sorry for the vent. i just needed to get it all out!