Was I wrong to call CPS to report a child being sexually abused?

NinjaMom • "In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends" - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
So, two years ago my stepdaughter came to me telling me that one of her close friends was being sexually abused by a friend of his family's. She explained to me that this kid was terrified because the family friend told him he would kill his family if he (the kid) ever told anyone. I explained to her that I thought it would be best to let CPS investigate because her friend was obviously scared to talk to his parents and he needs someone to stand up for him (these were 6th graders at the time). After taking to her more, and asking if she was ok with it, I called CPS to report it (with my step daughters knowledge because I needed information from her about her friend). After reporting it, I told her that she needed to keep her involvement private for a variety of reasons. A couple of days later, her mother and her mother's boyfriend showed up on my doorstep angry at me for reporting it. My step-daughter told her friend that it was her that told someone and that was how it was reported. Now, her mother's boyfriend is a law school graduate, but hasn't passed the BARR (not sure I'm spelling that right) exam. They come to me not because I didn't tell them or include them in my decision to report it, but are furious at me because I reported it to CPS rather than letting the school talk to the family. Well, in our state, school officials are mandated reporters, so CPS would have had to get involved anyway.  The boyfriend tells me that these are affluent families with huge amounts of money and because of this, I shouldn't have gotten involved. The problem is that in my previous profession I too was a mandated reporter. Although I am not in that position any longer, my morals don't allow me to simply ignore when I know a child is being abused. Period. The child did finally admit that he was being abused, and the family is in counseling. Should I have let money dictate my moral decision to get this poor kid some help?

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