I will never be a mom 💔

I feel like I am never going to get pregnant. My husband and I always talked about having many beautiful babies and we have yet to even get pregnant once! Not even a maybe, not even a glimmer of a faint line. We are almost 25. We are young. Why are we not able to get pregnant?! We have been seeing a fertility doctor since may and even had a lap to "fix" the problems I was having. I've done 2 rounds of clomid. We've done the whole let's "not try and not stress thing" and bbt charting, opks, you name it. It's alot easier said than done and I'm tired of being told "it will happen when you stop stressing about it." Yeah.... okay. It has been 2 years officially in December since we started actively trying. We've been together for 6 years and have never used protection and I've never been on birth control. I never take medicine even when I am in pain or have a headache. 2 years is a long time to me and I see women on here saying they have been trying for 3,4,5, even 10!!!! I don't think I could bear another year :'( I should probably just throw in the towel and accept that I will never be a mom. It stinks because I know I'd be such a good one. 💔