Please tell me someone else has anxiety ??

So im 4+2 weeks (going off lmp)and previously ive had a mc and my son passed when he was a few hours old full term , but im literally going to the bathroom every half hour to make sure im not bleeding , every little cramp i get i start to cry , i cant sleep at night worrying too much , i dont get a scan for 2 weeks to see if heartbeat is there so im extremely worried :( i know cramps are normal in pregnancy but last night i took a sharp pain in my right side of pelvis really low down lasted 10secs so i ran to bathroom but still not bleeding. How am i going to get through the next two weeks ? Midwife told me once u see heartbeat the chances of mc does increase so i think if i see the heartbeat ill feel much better for a bit ,how do u guys cope ? Thanks