his role in the relationship

Because of how i was raised by my grandparents i seen my grandma do all the household stuff amd my grandfather handle all the fixing, car maintenance but he also helped out around yhe house with little stuff etc etc, but because of my mom being a sigle parent i learnned how to do everything a man can do on my own. But since moving in with my fiancé i do the cooking and washing etc etc because he doesnt know how and i dont mind as long he took care of thd stuff i hate, like changing tires, changing oil, fixing things i know how to do it but i got a man so I figured why mot let hom but i also find myself doing all these things or reminding him for days, weeks and months. He often says sometimes i dont make him feel like a man but in my opinion when I split half the bills with you , do the house work and the so called mans work , i feel just as man as you, at first i said well he work and hes busy but i work md go to school too so its no excuse for him