Birth control switch...

My SO and I were watching a movie last night and I'm a BIG time snacker when i watch movies. So my baby hands me some cotton candy... no more than two small bites and I get l horrible heartburn I drank water but it didn't help. I've had heartburn maybe 5 times in my life. I went to sleep with heartburn and didn't think anything more about it... till this morning I woke up, ate a biscuit and BAM! Heartburn it finally went away after an hour or so. But then lunch time, 3 bites and.... you guessed it! Heartburn!!😒
All 3 of my sister in laws had bad heartburn from start to finish with every pregnancy so this has me worried especially since I recently switched birth control meds. The nurse told me to stop taking my original meds for 7 days then start on the new medicine she said it would be okay for me to have sex that I should have plenty medicine leftover in my system. Well... I just read that the new meds I'm on takes 7 days to get in your system and that you should not have sex for those 7 days. I did. I never got a pamphlet that explained how to take it or how long to wait to have sex. The nurse said I'd be okay but I'm really unsure. I've been having so many symptoms like nausea, headaches, heartburn, certain smells make me want to puke, I get tired very easy, I've been craving pickles all freaking week, and my sex drive has skyrocketed.. like I want it all the time(my BF don't mind that part though lol)😏 but this stuff never bothered me before I switched and I'm WORRIED!!!