HCG count 193. Is this normal?

Joanna • Angel mommy to Melanie 19w5d and Abigail 20w5d 👼🏼👼🏼 Baby #3 due 09/2017 🤰🏻✨✨👶🏻💙
I went in yesterday for blood work and results were given to me today with positive pregnancy and number 193. I went in 16DPO so I know I'm pretty early in pregnancy. Last AF was 12/8 and I ovulated really late CD29 (5 days before period). They are thinking I'm more around 6 weeks and that my numbers are low. I kept reassuring them that I take test and knew exactly when I ovulated and week of conception. They are kind of making me worry and I don't want to be scared. I've had 2 2nd trimester losses and this would be my miracle baby. I just need positive thoughts/advise/stories on ladies with same HCG count this early. I will keep you guys posted with results from tomorrow's blood work. 
 XOXO- Joanna C.