So me and my boyfriend have sex without condoms because they irritate my vagina. We've been together almost 10 months and have used pull out method and I have never been pregnant. I had pneumonia a week or two ago (if that has anything to do with it) but on Sunday out of no where I started bleeding. Like start period blood but my period wasn't due for another 9 days. The bleeding on Sunday only went on for a little bit but on Monday and some of Tuesday it was only when I peed and the rest of Tuesday there was the SLIGHTEST bit in my discharge, enough to make it brown. My stomach has felt weird but I feel like it's me psyching myself into believing I have symptoms because I'm so stressed. I have no other "pregnancy symptoms" but I've been having my basic pms symptoms but at the same time my boobs aren't sore. My period isn't due for another 6-7 days and I wasn't worried about my period until that random bleeding. I've been super stressed with school and getting really sick so maybe that's the reason? I'm really worried, I can't be pregnant. I have a lot of important things and I'm not in the point on my life where I can have a baby with my boyfriend. I'm still technically not an adult and my parents would make me keep and my boyfriend would get in trouble. Should I be worried? Also he has SWORN he has never thought he has came in me. He is completely and utterly positive he has made no mistakes. He pulls out about 10 seconds early and finishes nowhere near my vagina. He would tell me if he thought he made a mistake