just beautiful

Sarah • 3 pregnancy loses. 4 failed IUIs, IVF with 1 failed frozen transfer and finally have our healthy boy!! Momma of a 3 year old, angel twins 10/19, and successful fresh IVF is giving us boy two in November!
I read this today and wanted to share. 
Dear Sister, 
Infertitilty can feel like a constant, never-ending, uphill battle. I know you are functioning on way less sleep than you need, more stress than you'd like and pressure that is unfathomable. Not just emotionally but mentally, physically, and financially. I know your days are being robbed and your ability to just plan life is taken away. 
You are the most unselfish person I know. I know this as a fact. Every single day you are putting your one day baby before yourself. Not many know sacrifice on this level, and maybe never will. I know some days you doubt this process and lose all hope and faith. Who would blame you? You've felt loss and disappointment on levels you never know one could heal from. I know you are doing the best you can with what you have, and are holding on by a single thread. Yet, you still give to your TTC sisters fighting beside you, your partner, your family, your friends, your colleagues.. because no one ever gave you a 'get out of life' infertility pass card. It's not your first rodeo, but it never gets easier either.
So, in this moment, I will not tell you to just relax, be positive, stay strong or just keep trying. I won't minimize your feelings. I just want to apologize instead. I am sorry you have to endure this. I am sorry because it is not fair. I am sorry this is happening to you. Your don't deserve this. No one does. In this moment, I will wrap my arms around you and hold you tight and let you collapse into me. When you are ready, I will be here, to be your person, however you need me.