Break down

I had the biggest break down out of anger. Im 17 weeks and lately, my hormones have just been all over the place. And this pushed my limits. I'm a senior in high school and they made a big deal because my grades were too high for all the days I've missed. They put me down by saying that they'll make sure i don't graduate. Instead of saying don't miss no more days and you'll be good or something. The principal kept a copy of my grades and said she was going have a meeting with all my teachers and parents. I was boiling as they were talking to me and my dad , and i tried so hard to keep myself together. Once we left i immediately started crying , i felt so bad about myself. I felt like i wasn't good enough for my baby. I have so many plans and at that moment i felt like i was useless. I was so mad at myself and at them for talking to me the way they did. I have so many more appointments to come , and idk how I'll be able to attend. I feel so lost right now. They don't know im pregnant, but i just know that it would of been worse if they did.

Ps.. yes my parents know im pregnant. The school doesn't yet