Keep growing baby!

Joanna • Angel mommy to Melanie 19w5d and Abigail 20w5d 👼🏼👼🏼 Baby #3 due 09/2017 🤰🏻✨✨👶🏻💙
Third pregnancy and I just want to be in second trimester already! First 2 baby girls were born premature at 20 & 21 weeks and passed due to incompetent cervix. Last pregnancy had a failed transvaginal cerclage. I now have a transabdominal cerclage surgery pre pregnancy this time around and conceived right away (safe Dr. approved). I just want to see my sweet little one on ultrasound already and hear heart beat. We are beyond excited but so frightened to lose another if this surgery fails. Need all the prayers in the world for a healthy uneventful 9 month pregnancy. Keep growing for mommy n daddy little jelly bean✨✨ 🤰🏻❤.