Just for fun! My various pregnancy/birth experiences

Baby boy #1 - no morning sickness, no other weird symptoms. Super easy and great pregnancy that would make you wanna birth a thousand babies. Craved beef jerky, mashed potatoes and gravy. High blood pressure and bed rest 3 weeks before due date. Spontaneous labor started at 39 weeks 5 days, vaginal delivery with epidural. 13 hour labor including 2.5 hours of pushing! He weighed 5 lbs 15 oz 19.5 in 
Baby boy #2 - slight morning sickness very early on. Acid reflux later on. Craved sugary (popsicles!) instead of salty with first. No other weird symptoms. Water broke and spontaneous labor  at 39 weeks 3 days. Totally med free delivery, labor from water breaking til birth 10.5 hours. He was 7 lbs 11 oz 20 in long. 
Baby boy #3 - increased morning sickness from prior. Major acid reflux later, major water retention, carpal tunnel symptoms. Breech babe, delivered by c section at 40 weeks 1 day. He was 9 lbs 10 oz and 21.5 in. I ended up with post partum depression which continued into reg depression until he was almost 2. 
Baby boy #4 - extreme morning sickness, feeling freezing cold for first 2 trimesters, extreme acid reflux which I got a prescription for finally, water retention, carpal tunnel that prevented me from sleeping. Low iron. Craved yogurt and fruits and lemonade. Attempted vbac - labored 48 hours, dilated from 4 cm to 10 in 3 hours, started pushing but he was too high. Accepted epidural - waited to see if he would get into right position before practically begging for a c section. Repeat c section, cord was around his neck 3 times! He weighed 8 lbs 14 oz and 21.5 in long. So far no signs of PPD!
Each of my pregnancies felt different each time and i got to experience very different birth for each boy. They each have their own distinct personalities and it's amazing being the mom of 4 boys!