37w 1d 🤰🏼 5cm dilated 60% effaced IMPATIENTLY waiting!

Autumn • Birthed 2 beautiful girls! Also Raising my 12yr old niece! Having a boy this time! 😆😆😆🚜🚜💙💙💙
I am so anxious to have this baby! 3rd baby but 1st boy! His sisters and daddy and mommy are so ready to see him! I'm measuring 39 weeks so doctor thinks I'm further along than my "official" 37.1 weeks.... he could be here any day now! I have done everything they say to do... sex, sex, more sex, nipple stimulation, pineapples, primrose oil, walking, walking, walking, walking, spicy foods, squats.... my doctor said I'm sitting at almost 5 cm and it could be anytime now but I can't be admitted until contractions are stronger and more consistent but they come and go sporadically in NO kind of pattern!! I have baby's bag packed, my bag packed, all the baby's stuff organized and put away.... all I'm waiting on is baby boy and I feel like he's never coming!!!! Seeing all the beautiful mamas holding their beautiful newborns is making me want mine so much more!!! 😫😫 due date is 2/9 but doctor said he won't stay in that long....