I got fired

So basically two weeks before my due date I was told from my boss that if I didn't come back within a week after I gave birth I no longer would have a job. This was my first baby so of course I wanted to fight this because I wanted to spend more time with my son since I worked 40+ hours a week at night. She then told me if I wanted my job back it would be part time which I didn't want because I lived and hour and a half away but agreed. I had an emergency c section and had to be out for 8 weeks. And now she's saying I lost my job because I didn't come back within that first week and I tried to tell her I had a c section so I couldn't and they won't take me back not even as part time. Totally unexpected and I'm totally broken. I didn't hate my job I really enjoyed it because I worked at a hospital. My husband supports me and told me I can be a stay home mom and he would support both of us. Half of me is happy I get to be with my son everyday but half of me is upset because I  miss my old job/co workers and getting tired of seeing the same 4 walls. Sorry just ranting!