I feel like I should just give up

dawn • Married ttc 👶🏼 #1 pcos, stage 3 endometriosis, MTHFR
I got a evap from a blue dye I read within time frame and everything. I took another this morning completely negative: my heart is broken. I don't think people understand how much this hurts. Even my husband. I hear it will happen when God wants it to. In all honesty I feel abandoned. I went with the flow for a year because that's what everyone says is best. I have tried for 4 months. My best friend got pregnant after 2 months! I love her and I'm happy for her. You know it hurts I was the first person besides her husband who knew. I get so jealous and angry not towards her but the fact I can't get pregnant so easy. 
My second part that is so frustrating I'm adopted. I do know my parents I was taken at 3.  My mom low estrogen and was told it wouldn't happen easy. Little did she know just missing one pill would do it. My dad was way above her in age. He was like 45 they partied hard and he abused her. She stays in abusive relationships. My dad wanted me aborted, my mom wanted me but obviously the party life more.
Why can't I get pregnant I would be such a good mom. I would do anything for my children. I work with children know. I'm heartbroken. I already planned on adoption either way but I want to be able carry a child and feel it. Why is that people who don't want or care if they get pregnant always gets it.😢