Question to you ladies

Is it okay for your spouse's family to bring up your spouse's past ex and the ex's family in conversation? It's in a way where your spouse's family thinks it's funny to tease your spouse about it and keep branding and attaching him to his past.

I personally don't appreciate it because it wasn't done in very good taste. My husband's family had talked about his past and specifically called them his family, his Father-in-law and Mother-in-law. I don't know why they think it's funny....because he's obviously married to me and we're currently visiting my parents. It's very inappropriate and rude. Yes he dated this chick once when he was young at 19 and it was a short relationship. But now he's 26 and we're married for 3 years. I told my husband I don't appreciate this type of conversation. Ofc I don't like it. My husband didn't care about the convo but at the same time he didn't want to listen to how I felt. Am I in the wrong for expressing how I feel? I think if this conversation had been the opposite and he were to tell me this I would feel bad because I wouldn't want my husband to think why my family keeps branding me to my ex and their family.

Call it butt hurt or whatever. I don't think this is appropriate behavior. Leave the past in the past, especially since it was a very ugly past.

Maybe some of you ladies are okay with it or don't care but some women do care about what is being talked about.