He did it!!! 💍

Yesterday I was having a really off day I'm 37w5d and just so uncomfortable and done with being pregnant the only time I feel good is when I'm doing things that distract me from it. Jake was at work for a half day and got home at 2:30 and we were supposed to have a date night but we didn't know what to do and I got really down about it because I didn't wanna do the usual dinner and a movie I wanted to do something different but couldn't think of anything. Being the emotional mess that I am I started crying and refused to get out of bed but finally my brothers gf suggested we take a drive to Niagara falls and just walk Clifton hill and take in the sights and atmosphere. Finally something I wanted to do! We got ready and we left. There's a giant Ferris wheel there called the sky wheel and I had never been on it before so we decided before we left we were going to go on it. We walked down to the falls but couldn't see them cause it was SO foggy which was kinda comical and didn't bother us much cause we've seen them a thousand times so we walked back up got a bite to eat at one of the restaurants and then went into a wax museum that had a scary ending with flashing lights and noises (I'm a big chicken) but at the end it was pretty funny (once I was safe and back on the street haha) so finally we made our way back to the sky wheel and got on. We went up and he was saying stuff he usually says so I didn't think much of it I was too busy looking at the lights from up high but then his tone changed and he said "hey, you know I want to spend the rest of my life with you right?" Which finally got my attention and then he pulled out the ring and asked me to marry him. I cried like a baby. He used my moms ring which means he asked my parents permission and I just couldn't be happier than I am right now. When we called everyone to share the news they all thought I had gone into labour haha but instead got another shocking surprise. IM SO HAPPY!!!