Anyone have high blood pressure (not pre-e)?

I am 18 weeks pregnant and apparently have high blood pressure, the kind that is not Pregnancy related and is because I am genetically predisposed. *Sigh* I feel like a failure for that. I am 34 and this is my 8th pregnancy but 6th baby. I will need to be in medication for it at some point during this pregnancy, once the top number hits 160 or the bottom number hits 90. I am doing everything I can (no salt, no weight gain as I started out plus sized at a size 18 pre-preg), active, and lots of water. My baseline labs are good. But, because I will have to be on medication they want to induce between 37 and 39 weeks. I am so sad that she can't be allowed to come on her own! And I pray that I don't also develop preeclampsia or GD. Anyone else in this situation or have had an experience with this?