sex and period

Chloe • Chloe. 22🌸
Hi guys! 
I need some advice, me and my boyfriend have been together for 4 months a new relationship this is. I'm almost off my period but we had sex this morning with a condom. And I don't take my pill when I'm on my period for a 7 day break! I don't want this to sound rediculous but it is natural to have sex on your period ?? 
Plus I have been on my pill for 6 years but since I've been on my period I've had really bad hot flushes in work? But even when I'm off my period I still get hot flushes?? Would this be to do with my pill ? Or hormones? As I am 20 and should I be getting hot flushes?? As its only older women get them.. 
Any advice would be great please!! 👍🏻👍🏻