
✋🏼😈 ℕ𝓞т𝐭๏∂คч S卂ţᗩή😈👊🏼 • Peace✌🏼love ❤️and 3 flowers 💐grease(AKA ChiChi The Clown)
I know this word can bring up a lot of mixed emotions and that's not what I'm trying to do. Let me make it clear I'm not trying to debate anything or anything like that. I guess u can say I'm a little confused as to what this primary goal is. So here it is. 
On the news this morning they were talking about creating a safe place for women commuters using public transportation. I fully understand the safety hazards women face with growling, in appropriate solicitation, sexual assault etc. however creating a women only safe place is essentially the start of resegregation. Again let me make it clear I'm aware of the intention to help ppl feel more comfortable while traveling. I just don't agree with a women's only "safe space" on campuses around the nation there's safe places for the LGBT community (I agree this is fine for those who are just finding themselves in the community). What about the people that don't identify or hold the same beliefs but don't harass anyone? What about the ppl who face challenges every day but can't go into the "safe places" because they don't identify or agree with the community in them? What if there someone who just is interested in learning more about the community but get pursicuted for the lack of knowledge they have? All of these questions come to mind when I see these things happening and that's what scares me not this presidency. Our nation has allowed the government to divide us. The have successfully made us weak. (A nation divided will never be successful). The solution isnt to o segregate. The solution is to increase the punishment on those who feel the need to be disposable despicable human beings. Increase the punishment on rape, in crease the sexual assault punishment. Make an example out of the repeat offenders do something to show we're not standing for this behavior. Women should carry protection. 
Unfortunately there's really no way to stop rape or sexual assault from happening. If it's agains a woman, man, or trans. Which is why I don't agree with women's only safe spaces. Anything that singles out a particular group and will only provide sanction for them is in face segrigation. 
It's time we use our words, our brains and our hearts. We need to stop letting these extemist values scare is not believing the world is out to get us. Yes we're not as strong as men, however we can do much more. The focus on equality has made women forget that we're more than a dollar sign. Dollar signs don't leave legacies. Remember that