Update. neighbors dog keeps getting out

They don't speak very good English, and I don't speak any Spanish, but he's been out everyday, I can't keep the dog, I don't mind him coming over, but I can't keep him. 
Next step is just calling animal control. I feel really bad doing that though, but this dog is going to get him. 
He literally chases people down the road barking at them, and he follows anyone who comes home to their doors, he just barks, then runs away. 
He lets me pet him now, but I think these people really just don't care about him, or it's too hard for them to look after him. I know they just had a new baby last month, and work a lot. So maybe that's why? 
Hopefully it's resovlved soon. Thanks for the feedback! 
For the past week the people down two houses have a little chihuahua that keeps getting out from their wooden fence. 
I have to go and knock on their door and tell them he's out again. I don't think they care to fix the fence, bc they literally just throw him back over and go back inside. 
He's currently scratching on my door to come inside my house. 
Do I tell them they gotta fix the fence ? Or just keep bringing him back home ? Say nothing?
I actually kinda like the dog, so I don't mind him coming over, but I'm afraid I won't be home one day, and he's going to get hit.