Warning---What you should not do to a child.


So I honestly just want to get this off of my chest because I need to realize this is not all her mental illness. She truely is a horrible person and I am better without her in my life.

You should not threaten to send your child to a home where they were sexually abused for years because they didn't do dishes correctly or forgot to turn in homework.

You should not spit in your child's face and smack them when they wipe it out of their eyes.

You should not make them stand on their tip toes for 6 hours because the dog peed on the floor and that means they didn't take him out.

You should not make them kneel on rice for hours and make them read out of a dictionary for using a double negative in a sentence.

You should not give them a swirly and bash their head into the toilet because their was a hair under the rim.

You should not punish your child for getting a C by denying them showers for a week.

You should not threaten to make them wear their panties on the outside for leaking blood on them.

You should not lock the fridge and not allow them to eat for 2 days because their boobs are bigger than yours.

You should not force their head in the cats litter because their poop stinks.

You should not tell their friends that they are grounded for for defying authority when that means you forgot to pay the bus driver and they had to walk home, breaking curfew.

You should not go to their classes with them and make them feel stupid for not understanding math.

You should not feel proud of "Tricking CPS,".

You should not threaten your child to have them lie to CPS.

You should not knock them through a window.

You should not beat them with the vacuum hose because the belt broke and they did it "on purpose,".

You should not have them grovel to you after you hit them too hard and you hurt your hand. They shouldn't have to apologize for that.

You shouldn't blow smoke in their face because they are, "wimps that need to toughen up," because they have athsma.

You shouldn't make them steal cigarettes from a convenient store.

You shouldn't make them eat rotten food.

You shouldn't suck the dog on them.

You shouldn't lie in counciling to make them the bad guy.

You shouldn't make them chew cigarette butts.

You shouldn't attempt to kill yourself in front of them.

You shouldn't do any of these things. But you did. And that is why you will never, ever see your only grandchild. Dying of cancer, or not.

Edit; Thank you all for your support. I can't believe how loving and kind the feedback is. I was terrified all throughout my pregnancy to cut ties with her. Absolutely terrified. Now that I have I know this is what's best for my baby boy. I wish this were even a smidgen close to all she has done but this it what other people remember happening and I remember some of the others. I'm not sure u want to add on to what there is because there is just so very much.

You all are helping me keep her blocked more than you know. My SO and his family are really the only support I have and they think it's nuts that it was such a struggle for me to cut her off. (8 years). So thank you all so very very much. I cried reading the messages you left and haven't stopped.

My little boy will know love. He will know his mommy will do anything for him.

Edit; all of your support has helped me more than I can say. I reached out to my younger sister and explained why I hadn't been in contact with her for all these years. I feel so much better admitting why I felt such anger towards her, because I had been left alone to endure all of that and much more. Mending bridges will be hard, but as long as they are good people, they can be in my son's life. I've never been so stress free as I have been now. I know no one deserves to be treated like this, and looking back i should have ran screaming. But i would have been sent to my biologica fathers, who sold me for sex from 4-11. I chose the lesser of two evils.

I have made it a whole week without talking to my mother. And although I'm in pain now, I know it'll be for the best. ❤💙💚💛💜