there's a difference (sorry but then again I am not)

Ok. Some things are getting blown out of proportion by a few of us who's hormones are probably out of this world or whatever our reasons may be. Yes I am included in this. BUT as a response to MANY of the comments I have seen constantly repeated about someone ignorant naming their child "Abcde" or "Phelonie" or "So'Unique" or what the hell ever
I have NOT seen one single person say anything like that on this app. No one I have seen have said "omg I love the name abcde" out of the billions of people on this earth I am so so sorry you are so upset about the 16 people named that BUT the comments about BASHING NOT JUDGING the names that are ASKED to be judged are super out of this world. 
I would love for you to look up the definition of bash and the definition of judge. 
There are people on this app that ask to be judged. When they ask to be judged they do not ask to be put down and I am so very sorry if anyone feels as though I am putting you down that is NOT my intention. 
But Nevaeh and Phelonie are totally different. 
Tinsley and Abcde are totally different
A unique name and naming your child So'Unique is totally different. 
So bashing those that have names that are different than what you prefer is wrong. Judging the ones that want to be judged is not wrong. 
That's part of what this app is for. 
Like if someone says they want to name their daughter Nevaeh then you comment saying oh hate it and it's ugly and dumb that's fucking RUDE. 
Now there are posts where it has been asked opinions on what names you don't like, I think that is fine but to bash a mother and fathers name choice is above and beyond me. 
Get mad or don't read it all idgaf I'm seriously just ranting. 
To each their own