my husband made me so mad

Our daughter just turned 6 months old and has hit a horrible phase where she wakes about every 1.5 hrs at night screaming and will not go back to sleep until she is nursed. So last night she wakes 1 hr after I put her down in her crib so I try to nurse her back to sleep and she would fall sleep only to awake and scream crying the moment I put her down. This happened until about 11 pm when I had had enough. My husband eventually took her down stairs and she cried for two hours until she fell asleep. Tonight she wakes 2 hrs later after being put down and I begin to let her cry and my husband goes their is nothing wrong with feeding her all night long. I replied with well I need to sleep. He says well your a mom now so you need to make sacrifices. I am so pissed that I can't even sleep next to him. 
I need advice on how I can help my baby sleep better at night! She could be teething but I'm a FTM so I am not to sure. And if she is idk how to help her with the pain so she can sleep through it.