f/w benefits with an ex and getting him back

So me and my ex had been together for a year. 6 months into the relationship he ended it cos of fighting and we decided to be friends with benefits . This lasted two weeks and I started talking to someone else at the time too. My ex knew I was talking to someone else. My ex decided he wants me back so we get back together. 6 more months down the line He breaks up with me again cos his feelings have faded. He wants friends with benefits again. I want him back though and I'm hoping what happened last time will happen again where he realises he misses me but he's certain he doesn't wanna get back together but this is what he said to start with last time. All I want is for him back and I know he cares about me cos he hugs me and talks to me all the time too but he's just shut his emotions of completely and whenever I talk about getting back together he just shuts off even more. We broke up 3 days ago btw. So maybe he needs time?? Please help ☹️️