Anyone have one sided pain?


11w1d. I've been having a constant right sided pain for about the past 5 days. Not really cramping, just a constant uncomfortable feeling, not unbearable though. I've already had a few scans, last was at 10w and baby was progressing right on track. Just not sure if this is normal or not? I asked my Dr and they said I'm probably constipated but TMI..... I've had no problems in that area. Is anyone else having anything like this??
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Funny you said that because just yesterday all day I was having pain just below my ribcage on my right side. Mine was sort of like sharp jolts of pain. Anyway, I figured I would wait it out to see if I had any issues today and so far so good. Everything I've read said it's normal. Also, when I went to the doctor last week, they told me that I would definitely be having cramping because the uterus is growing and everything is shifting around to make room for the baby.


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Could be like the doctor said. It could also be round ligament pain as your uterus is expanding. I had a lot of that around 10 - 12 weeks. Sometimes it was all over but it primarily favored a side.