Can anyone relate?

Hey guys :) this is my first post ever (I don't usually ask for advice) but I've been extremely lonely lately. I haven't dated anybody in over a year. He cheated on me the entire time and made me feel like crap. (Called me fat, my ass is huge, I have a mustache, tell me I didn't love him if I didn't call him at work, school, etc., flirted with other girls in front of me) and the guy BEFORE him used me and used all (yes, all) of my friends. He turned my best friend against me and I haven't spoken to her in over a year. He also pressured me for weeks to have anal and oral sex with him when I was having a bad family crisis. I eventually gave in because he was the only one I thought I could talk to. The aftermath of being pressured to have sex with him (and then being IMMEDIATELY left for another girl) took a toll on me. It made me rebound a while after to the first guy I told you about. I've self harmed in the past, but recently I haven't. I have cut the words "whore, slut, die" into my skin because of everything. I just feel like I'm waiting for the perfect guy who is never going to show up. If you finished reading, thank you for sticking around 😂😘