Vaccination upset!

My sweet little guy got his 2 month shots yesterday. And we had just switched pediatricians. The nurse gave him all the standard month 2 shots including Hep B.  But when I got home I looked at the schedule they had given me when I left and noticed that you can get Hep B at 1 month or at 2... I called to confirm what he had received yesterday because he had gotten a shot at 1 month at his old doctor. And sure enough, he had already got the Hep B #2 shot a month ago at his other doctors and received it AGAIN yesterday. She said his medical records hadn't actually been scanned into the system yet when we came yesterday. The nurse said it won't harm him, but I'm REALLy upset. That shouldn't have happened!
And we were already discussing doing a diff timeline for vaccines but I decided to just go with th recommendation. I feel like I should have asked more questions or remembered his previous shot. The nurse came in with the shots and asked if the doc said Hep B because she couldn't remember what he said. She left to check but came right back and asked me if I knew. I was filling out paperwork and baby was crying. I was flustered and said I don't know, he's getting whatever the standard is for 2 months I think. But I didn't know Hep B could be done during 1 month or 2 month...I feel like a horrible mother. Like I failed my little guy. I'm praying it won't harm him at all. Oh and totally switching pediatricans...again.