So Chloe Grace decided she didn't want to stay inside mama's belly anymore

Brandy • •Chloe Grace ♡ 1/20/17 •baby #2 passed at 6.5 weeks (was due Sept. 2, 2019)...
So Chloe Grace decided she didn't want to stay inside mama's belly anymore. Our sweet babe had us in the hospital with contractions on the 18th. They gave me 3 doses of medicine to stop the contractions and then had me hooked up to magnesium to try to keep the contractions away because the other medicine wasn't working. They also gave me two shots of steroids for her lungs. On the 19th they took me off of the magnesium and told me that there wasn't anything else they could do, and if she decided to come, then I would be delivering our little girl. My plan since the very beginning was to go completely natural with no epidural. Well... They ended up inducing me because her heart rate kept dropping... They started me on the drip, I labored for a few hours... every hour the pain intensified. Chloe was sunny side up, so I was having horrible back labor... I gave in and got the epidural. They gave me a very low dose, so it didn't take everything away... after I dilated to 9cm, my doctor came in and had me start pushing. I pushed and pushed for a good hour/hour and 30... but because of her being in a difficult position, her shoulders wouldn't come through. She pretty much wedged herself in there. He used the vacuum (trying to turn her), he only used it for maybe a minute. He stopped everything and prepped me for a c section. I was in the room for maybe a whole 15/20 minutes and she was here. And for being born at 35.5 weeks, she came out screaming loud and clear. Our baby girl arrived on Jan. 20th at about 12:58 am. 5lbs 13oz. 17.5 inches long. We seriously could not be more in love! We got to come home 2 days after she was born. She's nursing very well, and she is just absolutely perfect. We are so blessed! (: I'm sorry this is so long yall, thanks for reading all of this ❤