She is finally here

She is finally here!! 8 days pasty due date. So here's my story, I had an appointment this morning with my o.b . We had talked about induction the day before I went in today to be cecked again for any changes. Baby girl was still up high and I was no where near dilated. No signs of labor at all. So I decided it was time , I was ready to be induced. I was sent up to labor and delivery at 12pm where they preped me for induction. At 2pm the doctor came in and inserted the cervidil in my cervix. Told me I had to stay and keep it in for at lease 12 hours. I was feeling fine . Very little cramping then they got consistent but only felt like period cramps every 2-3 minutes. At 6:49pm my water broke and at 8:08 we welcomed little miss Savannah Mykel into the world. Weighing 6lbs 13oz & 19.5in long. My Beautiful Blessing ❤