monster n law 😕

kaitlinruiz • MomOf 👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻👦🏻 Engaged💍 BabyGirl Due 2•24•2019
Today I went to my boyfriend mom house and as I walked in she was standing by the kitchen. Well she walked away as soon as I walked in she never made any eye contact to me so I didn't say hey or nothing. Bout 15 minutes I'm sitting on bar stool by bar and still nothing. Well I walked out and left as I was there just picking up my my boyfriends sister. , later that day I text her an apology text nothing to long just saying sorry bc In November 1st  my boyfriend went to jail bc we had an argument that escalated way to far cops were involved & he went to 
jail well ever since then I feel there's something strange & some tension. I know she doesnt care for me much anymore. So asking her in my apology text not to forgive me but just saying I'm sorry for what happened, and I hopefully we can look past things and hopefully reconnect again , 
She sends back " if *****(Boyfriend) is still with you It doesn't matter if I like you or not so for get about it
I don't really know exactly what she means. . I mean we have 2 kids together & im currently pregnant ( which she she doesn't know I am , ) 
How can I be with someone if there parents will never accept me. I don't feel right having him pick or choose sides but I feel not right about this. Need advice... 😔