just venting!

So I just need to get this out! I'm so sad and my feelings are so hurt! I feel like hubby just doesn't understand what I'm going through. I'm having a tough 1st trimester! I've had nausea, fatigue, and cramping since 4 weeks! Now on top of that I'm getting these headaches that go away for a few hours then come right back (I suffer from common headaches and migraines) I got upset with him today for something I will admit Is dumb but I was so angry. Idk if it's the hormones or what but I was like infuriated with him! I came to our bedroom and fell asleep, went back to the living room about an hour later. So all afternoon he was mad at me wouldn't talk to me. I mean he would but it was like pulling teeth trying to get him to talk to me. Finally I ask him what's wrong and why hasn't he talked to me in all evening and he says "ur the one that left to the bedroom" ugh he makes me so mad!!! Ok I left for an hour doesn't mean he had to ignore me all evening!! 
He has an issue admitting he's wrong. And I feel like when we have an argument he always finds a way to put the blame on me. And I admit when I'm wrong but come on man ur not perfect!! Ugh! He has anger problems too. Not like serious but he gets mad for the smallest things. Just now I was crying and he's like u have no reason to be crying. 😭😭😭😭😭 Idk Mayb I'm exaggerating or it's these crazy hormones but I'm just so tired of him not ever admitting he messed up too. 
And I feel like he doesn't understand how crappy I feel. Idk I don't regret this baby AT ALL I just wish he was more compassionate and understanding with me right now 😢 like I kinda wish I wasn't going through this journey with him. On top of feeling crappy I have to deal with him and his anger. Well he's just snoring away without a care in the world right now and here I am so sad and heart broken. 
Well sorry ladies for the long rant! I just really need to vent!