Fingered while I was asleep

I'm 18, and I have a friend who is 22. I've only known him for a couple weeks and we have hooked up before. But I had made it clear that I wanted to stop doing that Yesterday. he invited me over because last night I watched a scary movie and was afraid to sleep in my dorm since my roomate was gone. This guy told me to come over and stay at his place. (We were still friends, I had told him that we had to stop messing around.) I fell asleep and I woke up this morning because I felt someone running me. I was scared so I pretended to be asleep. he then proceeded to put his had in my pants and rub my vagina. I shifted so I could try to move his hand or maybe scare him so he'd stop. He didn't. He kept doing it and he put two fingers in me, and he continued to finger me for a really long time. I kept shifting, I coughed a few times to get him to stop. Finally after what felt like hours he stopped. He left the room and I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was after 10, he came back so I layed back down. Once he was in the room I pretended to "wake up." He acted completely casual. He then started touching my butt acting like he was tickling me. I kept telling him "bad" and to "move" but he wouldn't. He held me down and started kissing my neck and trying to kiss my lips which I kept dodging. He wouldn't let me go after I told him several times I needed too. I started getting kinda physical, like pushing him away so I could leave. He finally got the point I guess and let me go. I live on campus and he lives very close by. He knows where my dorm is, where and when my classes are, what my car looks like. I have no idea what to do.