Anyone else get tired of being asked if you're in labor yet??!


I'm 2 days overdue and am being Constantly asked of I'm in labor yet 😒 I'm being induced in 3 days and have been at 1cm since I started getting my cervical checks. It's mostly my mother in law, she literally asks me at least twice a day..But there are a few other "regulars" who keep asking too. ughhhhhhhh

I've told her and everyone else I'll let you know if anything happens but otherwise I go into labor and delivery Monday morning..Then MIL will say, "if you make it until then" or "bet you'll go before" Lady, leave me be lol If I'm not worried about not having her yet and am content knowing I'm being induced Monday, why does she keep on it?! I understand everyone is getting anxious, but it's beyond annoying at this point. Like I'll let you know IF I go into labor, not like I'm going to just forget to tell you!