My baby has arrived!

Baby Ben arrived at 37 weeks 5 days on 1/25/17. Was induced using pitocin due to low amniotic fluid that did resolve itself with lots of liquids or IV fluids. Was in labor for 20 hours and pushed for 30 minutes. First 13 hrs of labor were pretty pain free and I was able to sleep most of the night. The really painful contractions started at 8:30 ish and got even more painful after my ob broke my water.  I got my epidural around 10:00 and all was great with the world again. Took a nap until 12:00 pm and was checked to see how far I was. I was fully dilated and ready to push. Started actively pushing around 12:30 when my OB arrived and baby Ben arrived at 12:54 pm! Got 2nd degree tear but aside from that,  I'm so happy to have had such a non-traumatic and uneventful birthing experience. Now we are home and enjoying our precious gift.