49 hour labor

Hey ladies. So here's my birth story. I went to the hospital on Wednesday at 6:00 for high BP (stroke level) and because I was 38 weeks and 5 days they decided to induce me. So they admitted me around 9 and got me in my delivery room so by midnight I was all set. At 1 they put the insert cervadil in me for exactly 12 hours. Well this caused my cervix to ripen from 30% thinned and 1 cm dilated to 50% thinned but still only 1 cm. So from 7 am(hospital breakfast time) to 1 pm on Thursday I was having mild contractions and they started me on pitocin. So I was put on pitocin from 1 pm Thursday to 8 pm that night then was allowed to eat dinner and was given pitocin for the remainder of the evening into the morning. My midwife came in at 7 am on Friday and told me I had not progressed a single bit even though I was 2 points away from maxing out on pitocin so she needed to break my water. So she did. And I didn't feel it just felt a lot of warm liquid and was leaking liquid for a few hours after. But it sent me straight into contractions in which I got the epidural. I wanted to go natural but at this point I had been in labor since midnight on Wednesday and it's Friday so I slept from 9 am to 2:30 pm and I woke up with a peanut ball between my legs with pretty bad contractions which scared me since I had the eipdural. So my MW checks me and from 9-2:30 I went from 2 cm dilated to FULLY DILATED. THANK JESUS. So they take the peanut ball and let him descend himself. So even though I was fully dilated he was still -3 position so from 2:30ish to 4 he naturally descended and I pushed from 4-7:35 in which he was born. I was told his head and body were going to be too big for my pelvis probably and to expect a c section but this momma here was determined to have vaginally and I did. Unfortunately I have 3rd degree tearing and am very very sore. But he couldn't be more perfect. Jensen Ash, 8 pounds 4 oz, 21 inches long.