Just had membranes stripped😐

✡Bracha✡♈ • Mom of David 14months&Esther1 month

Lol i do didnt want this but its becoming apparent that its this or pitocin soon. Im 40 weeks 3 days will this work? How soon after this did anybody go into labor? Im already 3cm dialated and about 50% effaced.

Update: now at 40 weeks 4 days lol and i dont think the sweep did anything at all. I didnt have a single cramp clear discharge only no spotting and i feel fine. 😧. My husband told me baby is just cozy in there and feels safe and doesnt feel ready to leave yet which made me think of how special it is to still carry her and be the only one that holds her these last few days together!❤❤❤its rough! And sometimes im just like uch get this baby out! But trying to stay positive now and just let it all be because it looks like my body is telling me its not time yet. Good luck to everyone else!!! Ill update when babies finally here. Im thinking i may become a February mama😏.