I feel so worthless

I'll be 21 in September, I'll be a first time mommy in just a few short weeks. I have an amazing fiancé and my support group (friends & family) is incredible. But I just feel so worthless. I had big plans of going to school to earn a degree and things just took a different turn that I expected after I graduated from high school. I can't go to school full time right now along because I am financially independent and it just isn't an option at the moment. I plan to go soon once I am more stable money wise as well as more adapt to being a mom. But for now I'm thinking of finding some sort of post high school certificate degree type job. Do you ladies have any suggestions for anything like that? If I can find something where I can take a 6month to 1 year course and make decent money, that will be enough for me until I am able to get back into college. Thank you in all in advance