I ask to keep me in your prayerd

The i found out i was pregnant January 9th. Which was the best feeling ever. Have been trying for 3 yeras now and after a miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy back to back, left me scared in every way. I have 2 beautiful girls already and wanted to try for our 3rd befor i turn 32 (hoping its a boy). As i took the test and got a positive at my OBGYN I was put as a high risk pregnancy due to my history. That day I was told I was 5 weeks . Then a week latter started spoting and cramping as we rushed to the hospital I was told my HCG was up but couldn't get a scan. Ever since then I have had blood test done every week and they keep telling me my HCG is still rising. But this weekend i have been spoting bright red then immediately brown just when I wipe . Have had no cramps or and blood like period. I'm so worried yet tiered and sad . I've been through this twice and I'm so scared to lose my baby, my daughters and husband are so happy but everyday is full of fear for me. Im trying not to stress and keep cailm but I just can't help and be sad about the idea of losing another lil Angel again. Im sorry if this makes anyone feel uncomfortable but i needed to get this off my chest. I get the results of my blood work tomorrow , tge ones I had done today. I was at 3680 last monday and my doc said I had to reach the 10,000s by this week . Im so anxious and fearful. I just can't anymore with this pain i carry inside. The has anyone else been bleeding only when you wipe. I'm hoping its just from the implantation or left over period blood. I just can't keep my mind at ease, especially that i google everything abd the results are always bad... my appointment is at 4:45 and this to me feels like its an eternity . Please keep both my lil angle and me in your prayers