I'm still getting flash backs from last saturday

CaRista • age:27 sign: cancer ♋ and Mommy to an angel in heaven👣💙❤️😇
So last saturday me and my friends and my boyfriend were having a birthday party for my friend who just came back from washington state and we were having fun until i started not to feel good so i was like lets go im not feeling the best so i got out start my car now my ex boyfriend comes out and none of my friends are coming out so my ex starts getting all angry i tell him im going to get them so i got them out of the house a few friends rode in another car while its me my ex and my friend and her man by this point my ex is super pissed so my friend was trying to get him all happy and stuff but he flipped out so my friend whos a girl got up and made eye contact with him he flipped out and punched her in the face so she hit him back. I was freaking out yelling at them to stop and i dropped my friend off and took my ex home but i left his house and broke up with him cause if she didn't ride with me i could of got punched but im so thankful for her cause she showed the true side of him