he's finally arrived 😍

Jackie • Mother of boys 💙 Instagram - @boy_mum_ • follow for meal and snack ideas 💡 ☺️
My gorgeous little man born 31/01/2017 at 5:27pm. 
So, after being one day overdue I was very fed up and just wanted that baby out! I had a hospital appointment at 9am on the 31st January, 40+1. There, they scheduled me for an induction for the following day. I was over the moon! There was finally an end in sight. However, little Frank had another plan. At around 3pm I started to experience really strong contractions lasting 40 seconds 6 minutes apart. At 3:30pm they was coming every 4 minutes so it was time to go to the hospital. We got there and I was immediately put on gas and air, what a relief that was. Just chills you right out. I got in a big water bath which really helped relax me, I was begging for the epidural but my partner kept saying no I can do this. At 4:30pm I NEEDED to push, however midwife kept saying no as I was only 9cm. But I needed to, I couldn't help it. I had to get out the bath and onto a bed, 4 strong pushes later and he was here. Total labour lasting 2 and half hours. Worth ever second on pain! He tearded me as well, only a 2-3cm cut but what do you expect from an 8lb11oz baby! 
Wishing all the mamas good luck, let's do this 💙👶🏻